Monday, April 26, 2010

Research - Crime Film Research

doin media1.) What is the purpose of the opening to a film?

The purpose of an opening to a film is to establish the mood and visual character of a film, to introduce the viewers to all or some of the following:

  • Characters
  • Location
  • Narrative/Plot
  • Themes
  • Visual style
  • Genre

2.) What techniques can a director use to create suspense in a film?

The director can use the following techniques to create suspense:

  • They change everything in their screenplay so that it is done for the audience. Nothing is more important than how each scene is going to affect the viewer. They make sure the content engages them and reels them in. Using the characters to tease the viewer and pull them along desperately wanting more.

  • To create emotion (in the form of fear, laughter, surprise, sadness, anger, boredom, etc.) Is a director’s ultimate goal of each scene. The first consideration of where to place the camera should involve knowing what emotion you want the audience to experience at that particular time. Emotion comes directly from the actor's eyes. You can control the intensity of that emotion by placing the camera close or far away from those eyes. A close-up will fill the screen with emotion, and pulling away to a wide-angle shot will dissipate that emotion. A sudden cut from wide to close-up will give the audience a sudden surprise.

  • A Director knows that sometimes the camera should take on human qualities and roam around playfully looking for something suspicious in a room. This allows the audience to feel like they are involved in uncovering the story. Scenes can often begin by panning a room showing close-ups of objects that explain plot elements.

  • The director builds the audience into gripping suspense, which must never end the way they expect. The bomb must never go off! The audience is lead in one direction and then the rug is pulled out from under them in a surprise twist.

3.) How do you think a crime film is defined?

I believe if a film has any form of law breaking, such as murder, drugs, or theft would be defined as a crime film. The audience gets the impression that what they are watching is uncivilised and/ or feels disgusted at what they saw; this would therefore class the film as a crime.

4.) What films can you think of that would fit into the crime genre?

I believe the following films would be classed as crime films:

  • The Goodfellas
  • Trainspotting
  • James bond films
  • Sin City
  • The Godfather
  • The fast and the furious
  • Greenstreet
  • This is England

5.) The thriller genre can be divided into sub-genres – what different types of thriller films do you think exist?

  • Action thriller – The James Bond films and The Transporter
  • Disaster Thriller – The Day After Tomorrow and Volcano
  • Spy Thriller – Mission impossible and The Bourne Identity
  • Religious Thriller – The Da Vinci Code

6.) What are the characteristics or conventions of a crime film? Narrative characters, mise en scene, stars?

The usual characteristics and convections associated with a crime film is that the hero/ main character dislikes his low status in life and the storyline of the film is this character trying to get power in terms of quality of life and/or power. This man is usually a loner and works only with himself.

The setting of the film is normally a big dark city where the crimes which happen in the film take place in dark alleyways at night.

The characters in the film portray their wealth through material goods, flashy cars, expensive clothes and total amount of drugs.

The end of a crime film always justifies the means.

7.) What do you think is the audience pleasure of crime film?

Crime films such as Goodfellas and James Bond have reached heights of incredible popularity, and I believe there are several reasons behind this. The most major is that people today are interested in general by crime, how crimes are worked and how they are solved.

Not only that but they also include the audience and take them down the journey of the story. Throughout the duration of the crime films there are various hints and clues that are given that the audience can attempt to use themselves in order to piece the puzzle together.

8.) What do you think are the differences between a horror and a thriller film?

In film, the horror genre is characterized by the attempt to make the viewer experience fright, fear, terror or disgust. Its plots often involve an evil force, event, or sometimes of supernatural origin, into the mundane world.

Some of the most common elements include vampires, zombies, werewolves, ancient curses, and vicious animals.

Thrillers are typically characterized by fast pacing, frequent action scenes. Thrillers typically emphasize plot over character development, and make extensive use of literary devices such as suspense, red herrings, and cliffhangers. They often take place wholly or partly in exotic settings such as foreign cities, deserts, the polar regions, or the high seas. The heroes of modern thrillers are often "hard men" accustomed to danger: law enforcement officers, spies, soldiers, divers, or pilots.

So I believe that a thriller is a movie based on suspense, showing the victim's point of view. To me, horror is more about showing "horrid" things on screen such as murders or torture. The suspense in a thriller does not necessarily result in gruesome acts.

9.) Using the Internet, find three posters for thriller films. Complete a brief analysis of the posters.

Title: American Gangster

Genre: Crime

Sub-Genre: Gangster

This Poster looks very simple but has a big impact on the audience.

The poster only contains the title of the film, an image of the two main characters and the films production and distribution information

The main focal point on the poster is the main characters, the audience cannot see their faces, and therefore we do not know their identity. This creates the image of crime and illustrates these characters are criminals but also adds suspense for the audience. These characters therefore give the impressions of gangsters with expensive suits and a gun. They give the image of the mafia, hard men with flashy cars, expensive clothes (suits), and mansions. Women and items are more than likely measures of there success.

There are really only two colours used in the poster, Black and white. The colours used are dark and contrast, this helps portray the mood and the genre of film. It helps describe the mood of the film, which reflect crime and death.

The information on the poster contains such items as the director, and star appeal which attracts the audience to the film.

Futhermore them man in the poster is holding a gun, this is an iconic signifier of the gangster genre.

Title: The Godfather

Genre: Crime

Sub-Genre: Gangster

This poster looks very simple but has a big impact on the audience.

The poster only contains the title of the film, an image of the main character and a tagline.

The main focal point on the poster is the main character, who gives the image of the Don of the mafia, a hard man with flashy cars, expensive clothes (suits), and mansions. Women and items are measures of his success as well.

The tagline gives a hidden message, a small insight into the movie.

However this poster gives no information about the film, such as age certificates and release dates.

There are very little colours used in the poster. The colours used are dark and dull, this helps portray the mood and the genre of film. It helps describe the mood of the film, which are most likely full of crime and full of death.

The imagery of the title on the poster with the hand and puppet strings, symbolises control and hierarchy suggesting power is a main feature in this film. But also it relates to the title of the film ‘The Godfather’ it represents his level of control.

Title: Sin City

Genre: Crime

Sub-Genre: Film Noir

This Poster looks very impressive with the characters looking down as if they are above the audience and this technique makes the film feel very dramatic.

The poster only contains the title of the film, an image of the five characters and the films information such as release date.

The main focal point on the poster is the main characters looking down on you with weapons, the audience feel threatened and intimidated by them. This creates the image of crime and that these characters are criminals but also adds excitement for the audience. These characters therefore give the impressions of criminals with guns.

There are really only two colours used in the poster, Black and red. The colours used are dark. The black is used to portray the mood of voilence and crime. The red is used to distract the audience from the dark and gloomy image and helps focus on the title of the film.

Sin city uses elements of Film noir (dark) and also femme fattall.

All the men hold guns representing protection, ‘Heroes’ and again iconic signifier of the crime genre.

The information on the poster contains such items as the director, actors names and the relase date.

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