Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Planning - Summary of our Film

Summary of film

What do we want to happen in the film?

The start of the film will begin with a man walking down some stairs in a multi-story car park. There will be fast paced multi shots of this action but in every shot the audience will never see this persons face. To help us do this we will use the lightning available to us, to try and hide the identity of this persons face. We will also put the camera in the corner of the stair well and set it up to look like CCTV footage.

After we will film this person in the car park acting scared and acting like he is running away from something, But up to this point the audience will not know who this man is, where he is apart from he is in a car park, What he is doing, or why he seems to be running from something.

After entering the car park this man will hide behind a pillar and seem out of breath. We will use sound effects here of deep breathing and the camera shot will be seen through the eyes of this man. After this man has regained his breath he will observe his surroundings by looking around the pillar twice. The first time he looks there is nothing there behind the pillar, the second time he looks there will be a policeman that has seemed to appear out of nowhere. At this point the camera will zoom in onto the policeman and there will be dramatic sounding music in the background.

After the man sees the policeman he panics and runs off in any direction, we will use footage of the lights flying past and a ground shot of him running past the camera. The music at this point will be fast paced and we will use many different shots in a small amount of time to keep the audience interested and to keep the film fast paced. Also at this point we will have the titles on the screen.

To end our 2 minute opening clip we will have a gunshot sound and the screen will fade out to a black screen leaving the audience wondering what has just happened and keeping the audience left in suspense and wanting to watch more.

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